Today was the 3rd official day of our maple syrup unit study. I got most of this unit from the Fall 2008 issue of
The Old Schoolhouse magazine. The lapbooking mini books I got from
Homeschool Share. Then we added a lot of books. Our children learn best this way, and I love it also.
I am so excited about this unit that I can hardly contain myself! One of my favorite childhood memories is walking into the woods with my Dad to tap trees in March. I miss being able to do that. But we do have 3 maple trees on our property we may use in the future. It takes 40-45 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup.
Book we read: "Sugar on Snow" by Nan Parson Rossiter.
This was a wonderful cute book. It is about 2 brothers who were so excited to help gather sap and make syrup.
After reading the book we worked on our lapbooks. This is a wonderful way for children to remember what they have learned, while making mini books.
This is Katie and her book. Instead of using file folders for our lapbooks we wanted something to keep everything together in one book. We put everything in a scrapbook.

This is Hannah and her book. I let them pick a place to put their mini books, it is their project after all. She is so proud of her book.

Here is Andrew's book. He is such a perfectionist, everything has to be just so. He did school in his pajamas today because he was up all night sick. I was surprised he was excited to sit at the table today. I was ready to give him a sick day.

When Matt gets home from work the kids usually run to the door excited to show him what we did today.